Grade 8 Students Explore Zoo Conservation: Enhancing Animal Survival and Understanding Ecological Impacts

Grade 8 Students Explore Zoo Conservation: Enhancing Animal Survival and Understanding Ecological Impacts

During the summer vacation, Grade 8 students revisited their special research and biology courses, focusing on zoo-related topics. Through field inspections and guided problem-solving, they explored ways to improve the zoo environment to better support animal survival and deepen their understanding of ecological impacts.

Students documented their learning experiences through videos and writing, capturing the animal behaviors they observed and reflecting on their findings. In the end, they summarized the fascinating and engaging outcomes of their zoo studies. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the highlights of their off-campus learning adventure!

Grade 8 Students Explore Zoo Conservation
Grade 8 Students Explore Zoo Conservation
Grade 8 Students Explore Zoo Conservation
Grade 8 Students Explore Zoo Conservation

還記得五月時七年級同學在Science Fair活動中,賣力發表自己所設計的動物園的認真模樣嗎?當現實與理想碰撞時,又會擦撞出什麼新的火花呢?


